
By car

The most comfortable transport to village of Cherni Vit is by personal vehicle.
It takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes from Sofia to Cherni Vit on the motorway “Hemus”/A2, direction Varna.
If you are coming from southwest, west or northwest parts of Bulgaria – on motorway “Hemus”/A2 to the town of Yablanitza. After you leave the motorway at the town of Yablanitza, it takes around 30 minutes to reach Cherni Vit, by following direction to the town of Teteven.
If you are travelling from north, northeast or east parts of Bulgaria you can reach us for: around 1 hour from the town of Lovech, around 1 hour and 30 minutes from the town of Pleven on the road E83, and around 1 hour and 50 minutes from the town of Veliko Tarnovo, road E772.

By public transport

If you are travelling by public transport – the only option is to come by bus to the town of Teteven, and after that to the village of Cherni Vit.
Depending on your final destination you can check a suitable for you timetable to the town of Teteven.
If you are travelling by public transport to the town of Teteven, by previous arrangement we provide free of charge transport from the bus station in Teteven (or the more famous diversion to our village- Chernovitski most) to our houses in the village of Cherni Vit.

Our GPS coordinates are

42°51’24.9″N 24°11’09.7″E

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